How Class Action Lawsuits Empower Consumers Against Corporations
In today's consumer-driven economy, working families rely on information provided by manufacturers, retailers, and businesses to make informed decisions about their purchases and financial choices. Unfortunately, corporations don't always play fair. When big businesses deceive consumers or exploit their market power, individuals often feel powerless to fight back. This is where class...
5 Things to Understand About Class Action Lawsuits
A class action lawsuit allows one or more plaintiffs to file a lawsuit on behalf of a larger group of individuals called a class. In a class action lawsuit, each member of the class must have suffered similar harm. The primary purpose of such lawsuits is to allow courts to manage...
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The Stages of a Class Action Lawsuit
A class action lawsuit is a type of civil lawsuit that is filed on behalf of a group of business entities or individuals who’ve suffered common injuries due to the defendants’ conduct. When a class action lawsuit is filed, at least one entity or individual acts as a representative of the...
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What is an Identity Theft Affidavit?
Identity theft is an increasing problem in the United States. After an identity theft incident, there are several steps that victims should take to ensure that they obtain the justice they deserve. Often, this process involves a document called an identity theft affidavit. An identity theft affidavit is used by victims of...
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Preventing Senior Identity Theft
Although everyone is a potential identity theft victim, senior citizens are particularly vulnerable. In fact, seniors lose approximately $3 billion every year in financial scams. Therefore, seniors and their loved ones must always remain vigilant for signs of identity theft. In this article, we discuss how to prevent senior identity theft.
What Makes...
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Is Identity Theft on the Rise?
Identity theft is a major problem in the U.S. Every day, people have their identities stolen, costing them money, time, and peace of mind. And unfortunately, reported incidents of identity theft rise each year. In fact, identity theft surged in 2021, presumably due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, even with the pandemic...
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Is Identity Theft Considered a White-Collar Crime?
Identity theft affects people of all ages and income brackets in the United States. In fact, identity theft costs victims billions of dollars each year—and the problem is only getting worse. Clearly, identity theft is illegal and creates widespread harm. However, is identity theft considered a white-collar crime? In this article, we...
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An Overview of Different Types of Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when a thief uses another person’s personal or financial data for monetary gain. Common targets of identity theft include Social Security numbers, birthdates, names, addresses, driver’s license information, and financial account numbers. In today’s digital world, everyone is a potential victim of identity theft. However, not many people understand...
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Phishing Attacks and Identity Theft
A phishing attack is an online scam in which a fraudster sends an email that appears to be from a reputable source with the goal extracting personal information from the target. Once such information is obtained, criminals use it in several ways, one of which is to commit identity theft. In this...
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Identity Theft and the Elderly
The number of identity theft victims in the U.S. increases every year. Unfortunately, a large percentage of victims are elderly. In this article, we examine why the elderly are vulnerable to identity theft, common identity theft scams perpetrated against the elderly, and ways to prevent identity theft.
Reasons Identity Thieves Target the Elderly
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