Credit report errors can have a devastating effect on your financial situation. Things, like buying a home, applying for a credit card, and even entering certain professions, can hinge on the accuracy of your credit report. Therefore, it is imperative that you take steps to correct credit report errors before they negatively impact your life. Common credit report errors include:
- Account inaccuracies
- Identity errors
- Fraudulent accounts
If your credit report contains inaccuracies, please review the information below and contact a Florida consumer protection and credit identity theft attorney as soon as possible.
What to Do if Your Credit Report Has Errors
If you discover errors on your credit report, you should take the following steps:
Contact the Credit Reporting Bureau
Following the discovery of an error on your credit report, you should contact the credit reporting bureau to report the error. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires credit reporting companies to correct inaccurate or incomplete credit report information. Therefore, if there is an error on your credit report, the law is on your side. In order to report the error, you should send a letter to the credit reporting bureau via certified mail. In this letter, detail all the disputed information and a request to have it removed from your credit report. Following the receipt of your letter, the credit reporting bureau must investigate the issue within 30 days and notify the creditor reporting the information to perform an investigation. If the creditor discovers that the disputed information is inaccurate, it is required to notify all three national credit reporting companies.
Contact the Creditor Directly
If a creditor has reported incorrect information to the credit bureaus or you believe you may be a victim of identity theft, you may need to contact the creditor directly. Make sure that you document any contact you have with the creditor. Although this may not immediately solve your problem, it can assist you down the road in having the incorrect information removed from your credit report. This is particularly true if you hire an experienced Florida consumer protection and credit identity theft attorney to assist you.
Contact a Florida Consumer Protection and Credit Identity Theft Attorney
If you have errors on your credit report or feel that your rights as a consumer have been violated in any way, you need experienced legal representation on your side. Whether you have been the victim of fraud, telemarketer harassment, credit report errors, or identity theft, you may be entitled to compensation. Backed by decades of experience trying cases in state and federal court, Seth Lehrman will fight to ensure that your legal rights are protected. The attorneys at Lehrman Law are committed to fighting for your rights and holding responsible parties accountable for violating federal and state consumer protection laws. Please contact us now to schedule a consultation.
Seth Lehrman helps his clients with credit report errors throughout Florida including the areas of Fort Lauderdale.