An Overview of Different Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when a thief uses another person’s personal or financial data for monetary gain. Common targets of identity theft include Social Security numbers, birthdates, names, addresses, driver’s license information, and financial account numbers. In today’s digital world, everyone is a potential victim of identity theft. However, not many people understand...
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Identity Theft and the Elderly

The number of identity theft victims in the U.S. increases every year. Unfortunately, a large percentage of victims are elderly. In this article, we examine why the elderly are vulnerable to identity theft, common identity theft scams perpetrated against the elderly, and ways to prevent identity theft.  Reasons Identity Thieves Target the Elderly 
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Data Breaches and Identity Theft

A data breach, also called a data leak, is a security event in which confidential information is exposed, stolen, or transmitted. When a data breach occurs, the leaked information is often exploited by hackers for personal gain. One way that criminals use such information is through the illicit practice of identity theft....
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