The Stages of a Class Action Lawsuit
A class action lawsuit is a type of civil lawsuit that is filed on behalf of a group of business entities or individuals who’ve suffered common injuries due to the defendants’ conduct. When a class action lawsuit is filed, at least one entity or individual acts as a representative of the...
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Understanding and Preventing Child Identity Theft
Identity theft can affect anyone. What most people don’t know, however, is that children are a primary target for identity thieves. Therefore, it’s imperative that parents remain vigilant when it comes to child identity theft. In this article, we examine child identity theft and how to prevent it.
What Is Child Identity Theft?
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3 Types of Identity Theft You Need to Know About
Identity theft is a major problem that gets worse every year. And it can affect anyone—from children to senior citizens. The first step in preventing identity theft is understanding some of the main types of identity theft. In this article, we examine three types of identity theft you need to know about.
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Avoiding Phishing Attacks to Prevent Identity Theft
Criminals use a variety of tactics to steal people’s personal information. One method of doing so is called phishing. When a phishing attempt is successful, it often results in the release of a person’s personal information, which criminals then utilize to commit identity theft. In this article, we discuss how to avoid...
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Common Causes of Data Breaches That Result in Identity Theft
In today’s technological world, more entities than ever store our personal information. And, unfortunately, all it takes is one data breach for this information to be exposed to criminals. Often, hackers and other nefarious actors steal people’s personal information for the purpose of committing identity theft. In this article, we discuss common...
Common Causes of Data Breaches That Result in Identity Theft Continue reading…
Recovering From Identity Theft
Identity theft can turn your life upside down. Not only can it hurt you financially, but it often creates wide-ranging consequences that can affect you for years to come. Fortunately, however, there are things you can do to lessen the impact of identity theft. In this article, we discuss how to recover...
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What is an Identity Theft Affidavit?
Identity theft is an increasing problem in the United States. After an identity theft incident, there are several steps that victims should take to ensure that they obtain the justice they deserve. Often, this process involves a document called an identity theft affidavit. An identity theft affidavit is used by victims of...
What is an Identity Theft Affidavit? Continue reading…
Identity Theft and the U.S. Armed Forces
The members of the U.S. Armed Forces face many obstacles in their chosen line of work. Surprisingly, one such obstacle is identity theft. In fact, active duty service members file identity theft complaints at much higher rates than civilian consumers. In this article, we examine identity theft and the U.S. Armed Forces.
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Recent Case Illustrates the Dangers of Identity Theft
Identity theft is the act of stealing someone’s personal information and using it for illegal purposes, such as withdrawing money, filing tax returns, opening credit accounts, and making insurance claims. In this article, we examine a recent identity theft case and explain how to check for signs of identity theft.
A Recent Example
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Preventing Senior Identity Theft
Although everyone is a potential identity theft victim, senior citizens are particularly vulnerable. In fact, seniors lose approximately $3 billion every year in financial scams. Therefore, seniors and their loved ones must always remain vigilant for signs of identity theft. In this article, we discuss how to prevent senior identity theft.
What Makes...
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